So You Want to Work in Costume? The E-Book


“So You Want to Work in Costume?” might be a question you are asking yourself right now! This e-book is here to help you get a better understanding if this industry is right for you. Whether you are just considering it as a career or already in it.

Covering multiple topics such as “Creating a Portfolio”, “Making Contacts”, “Rates of Pay”, “the Design Process” & many more. We also look at a variety of roles within the industry and department to help you discover where your skills could take you.

When I first started out on my career over 13 years ago, I had so many question & not enough answers. “So You Want to Work in Costume?” is here to give you the shortcut I never had.

22 chapters, 31 pages full of helpful information for anyone considering a career in costume, Commercial styling, or garment construction.

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